The quality, alignment, and health of your teeth all contribute to your smile’s appearance. If your teeth are crooked, misaligned, overlapping, or uneven, your smile will appear less appealing. Modern orthodontic treatments make teeth straightening easier than ever, so you don’t have to put up with crooked or misaligned teeth. At Total Health Dental, Aurora, Illinois, we use Invisalign clear aligners to straighten crooked teeth. Invisalign teeth straightening aligners take the place of clunky metal braces to achieve the smile of your dreams.
Invisalign teeth straightening aligners are composed of clear, plastic material with no metal parts to poke your lips, gums, or cheeks. When worn, the aligners put gentle pressure on your teeth to shift them into a straighter position. Dr. Khaja Mohsinuddin will take impressions of your teeth to have aligners custom-made for your use. We’ll also create a treatment plan to help you achieve your smile goals.
Both Invisalign and traditional braces get the job done of straightening your smile. Using clear aligners, however, has its benefits, starting with:
To learn more about Invisalign orthodontics, contact Dr. Khaja Mohsinuddin from Total Health Dental, Aurora, IL, at (630) 822-9600.