The decision to spend your hard-earned money is not one that you, or most families, take lightly. You want to make sure anything you put your money toward is worth the investment and will produce what is expected. This is especially true when it comes to your teeth. If you have minor to moderate alignment issues that you have lived with for years, you may need some convincing to invest in a treatment that will correct your bite. Dr. Khaja Mohsinuddin and the friendly team at Total Health Dental in Aurora, Illinois, would love to tell you about the Invisalign teeth straightening treatment.
As an adult in your 50s (or older), you may feel like orthodontic treatments are something you should have looked into long ago, but this is not true. Orthodontic treatments, like Invisalign, work great on adult teeth and will help you achieve a smile you will love and be proud of. Here are some reasons you should consider the Invisalign treatment system.
No matter the age, as long as you have healthy teeth and gums, Invisalign is a viable option for older adults and seniors. Even if you have some minor issues with your oral health, you can work with your dentist to correct these issues so that you can get Invisalign once these dental issues are fixed.
In nearly all cases, Invisalign works just as well for older adults as it does for younger adults and teens. The clear aligners used by the Invisalign treatment exert an amount of pressure on the teeth to stimulate a process called bone remodeling. During this process, the tissues and bones that support your teeth are broken down to allow your teeth to shift into their correct position and alignment. Once this is done, the bone reforms and locks the teeth in their newly set place. This process will happen no matter your age using your personalized clear aligners.
A primary concern of most adult patients regarding orthodontic treatments is what they will look like. Many adults feel a bit silly and self-conscious about wearing visible braces. Even though today’s braces are smaller and can be made less visible, many adults still prefer under-the-radar options like Invisalign. There is no product more discreet than Invisalign, thanks to the treatment’s use of clear, plastic aligners. These aligners are made from a BPA-free plastic that is smooth and comfortable to wear. When you receive your aligners, they will have been crafted to fit your mouth only for a comfortable yet snug fit. Invisalign aligners are practically invisible, and nobody will ever know you are wearing yours.
Even older adults face problems with their confidence if their smile has noticeable alignment issues. Maybe you have never had the opportunity to correct your smile in the past, or it was just something you decided to live with; there is no better time than now to consider the Invisalign treatment. When you are happy with the appearance of your smile, you will notice that you are more likely to smile and show it off more. You will feel more confident and self-assured. You will have a boosted self-esteem that translates to your relationships, career, and more.
Invisalign has exploded in popularity among older adults because straight teeth make you look younger. It is almost as if you have undergone a non-surgical facelift! The simple shifting of your teeth into their correct positions will widen your smile, making the skin around your mouth tighter and lifted. A smile full of straight, aligned, and healthy teeth will also exude an impression of excellent health and vitality!
If you have balked at the idea of a teeth-straightening solution such as Invisalign because you feel you are too old for it, you should seriously reconsider. Talk to your dentist and see how Invisalign will provide excellent results. If you are in the Aurora, Illinois area and would like to learn more about Invisalign, please visit Dr. Khaja Mohsinuddin and the friendly team at Total Health Dental. To schedule an appointment, you can call (630) 822-9600.